Get your business on TikTok. Like, yesterday.

It’s been 5 years since I first launched a marketing campaign on TikTok. That first test was iffy – engagement wasn’t where I wanted it to be and app downloads were low. Honestly I stopped advertising on TikTok for a few months after that test until I could really figure things out.

Five years later, and TikTok’s advertising capabilities have expanded immensely. New targeting, better tracking, and an endlessly growing audience. No longer is TikTok something I recommend for tentpole moments and holidays. You need to be on TikTok. Why?

Here are the top 5 reasons your business needs to be on TikTok.

TikTok’s algorithm loves to promote new content, meaning your videos can reach far beyond your audience, even for a paid promotion. As long as your video provides some kind of value, users may share it. Value on TikTok? It can be anything. Comedy, product information, news, a fun hair trend, a cute dog, skateboarding in a video while drinking cranberry juice…Anything has viral potential.

How many times do you compliment your friend on a new shirt or some fun gadget around their home and they say “oh thanks, I found it on TikTok”?

Over 55% of users have made an impulse purchase on TikTok (I am definitely guilty of this). See the product, immediately buy it. See the ad, immediately download the app. There’s nothing better for marketing than quick results and with TikTok users’ likelihood to be influenced by ads, this is the place to find those results.

TikTok is still its own animal. You may get decent success from running your YouTube video on TikTok or by using a popular Instagram Reel, but you need the right content to succeed on TikTok. Looking for help on that? Check out my blog on TikTok creative opportunities or reach out to me and let’s get working together.


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